

GpaStatus GpaGetCounterUuid(
    GpaContextId context_id,
    GpaUInt32 index,
    GpaUuid* counter_uuid);


Gets the UUID type of the specified counter. The UUID can be used to uniquely identify the counter. A counter’s unique identifier can change from one version of GPA to the next.


Name Description
context_id Unique identifier of a previously-opened context.
index The index of the counter whose UUID is needed. Must lie between 0 and (GpaGetNumCounters result - 1).
counter_uuid The address which will hold the UUID upon successful execution.

Return value

Return value Description
kGpaStatusOk The counter UUID was successfully retrieved.
The supplied counter_uuid parameter is NULL.
The supplied context_id parameter is NULL.
kGpaStatusErrorContextNotFound The supplied context_id parameter was not recognized as a previously-opened context identifier.
kGpaStatusErrorContextNotOpen The supplied context is not currently open.
kGpaStatusErrorIndexOutOfRange The specified index is out of range.
kGpaStatusErrorFailed The counter UUID could not be retrieved.
kGpaStatusErrorException Exception occurred.