

GpaStatus GpaGetCounterDataType(
    GpaContextId context_id,
    GpaUInt32 index,
    GPA_Data_Type* counter_data_type);


Gets the data type of the specified counter.


Name Description
context_id Unique identifier of a previously-opened context.
index The index of the counter whose data type is needed. Must lie between 0 and (GpaGetNumCounters result - 1).
counter_data_type The address which will hold the data type upon successful execution.

Return value

Return value Description
kGpaStatusOk The counter data type was successfully retrieved.
The supplied counter_data_type parameter is NULL.
The supplied context_id parameter is NULL.
kGpaStatusErrorContextNotFound The supplied context_id parameter was not recognized as a previously-opened context identifier.
kGpaStatusErrorContextNotOpen The supplied context is not currently open.
kGpaStatusErrorIndexOutOfRange The specified index is out of range.
kGpaStatusErrorFailed The counter data type could not be retrieved.
kGpaStatusErrorException Exception occurred.