

GpaStatus GpaEnableAllCounters(
    GpaSessionId session_id);


Enables all counters. Subsequent sampling sessions will provide values for all counters. Initially all counters are disabled, and must explicitly be enabled.


Name Description
session_id Unique identifier of a previously-created session.

Return value

Return value Description
kGpaStatusOk All counters were successfully enabled.
kGpaStatusErrorNullPointer The supplied session_id parameter is NULL.
kGpaStatusErrorSessionNotFound The supplied session_id parameter was not recognized as a previously-created session identifier.
kGpaStatusErrorCannotChangeCountersWhenSampling The set of enabled counters cannot be changed after GpaBeginSession is called.
kGpaStatusErrorContextNotOpen The supplied session’s parent context is not currently open.
kGpaStatusErrorIncompatibleSampleTypes The supplied session was not created with a GpaSessionSampleType value that supports counter collection.
kGpaStatusErrorFailed An error occurred while trying to enable all counters.
kGpaStatusErrorException Exception occurred.